Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Officially 25 days late for my period ?

With that said I have taken hpt and have had 6 faint positives. I got the first the day after my missed period. The last faint + I got was on Sunday the 17th (I got 2 actually). the brands used were dollar tree, fact plus, and ept. I took a answer brand test last Friday and yesterday and got BFN!? I have a dr's appointment on the 5th but was just wondering if this has happened to any of you before and actually found out you were pregnant? Do certain brands not work for some people. My husband thinks im pregnant, I have been VERY moody the past 2 weeks, especially at him (sorry baby!) I have also been getting headaches on and off, peeing a little more frequently (this past weekend I had to get up 3 times in the middle of the night to go!) This last weekend I noticed a tingling sensation in my , not painful at all jut a weird feeling almost like mny was asleep lol. What else, my cervix has been high and soft for the past few weeks, and I have had an increase is discharge down there (lotion like than watery at some times) and I have been very gy. ( all I ate yesterday was a bowl of fruity pebbles and I had extreme gas wtf!?!). The latest I have ever been on my period was 7 days. Im not under any more stress than normal and hav not gained or lost alot of weight. Believe me af is almost always on time. When me and my husband got married I was under sooooo much stress, and I was loosing weight and AF came ON TIME. So why the negative tests? i couldnt have had 6 evap lines. I did put the answer brand test into my urine cup for 20 seconds and the box said 5 seconds. I dont know if this would make a differance? Any imput would be nice!

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