Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why is the full history of evolution not taught in schools?

My guess is that, in this study, the information is being changed as new finds suggest different information. It, of course, should be introduced. Africa shows the most potential for being "roots" but since digging deep into the earth is labor intensive and costly, it will be a long time before we can know for sure. Lucy makes the most sense but that all we have to go on. Life changes quicker than previously thought and the earth changes, so going back 100,000 years isn't the same as today. We have to be real careful about saying that common ancestors were one color or another for racists will take advantage of information that really can't be proven. If you say black or white is the first then the other will say that they are improved ones. Better to go with the UFO people and say we come from the "greys". lol

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