Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How many people think addiction is a disease like alcoholism?

My ex husband cheated on me 6 yrs ago i got a restraining order and divorced him Well he married her I told her she wasnt the first and wont be the last he cheated on me bfore her. Well now he is cheating on her with a woman they had s with. I wouldnt do s his current wife is as sick as him!! He told me all this with no shame over the phone. A few days later he calls apologizing for all he every did to me I telling me he is a lust addict. I forgave him long ago before the apology. But honestly I think he is fake Cheaters blame anyone and anything including " so called addictions". I think he is putting a lifetime of bad behavior on this addiction I dont believe his crocodile tears or his happy horse crap about 12 step program for lust addiction. I know its a problem a choice But to say its a disease? That implys he cant help behaving this way. Alcholism is a disease because there is a chemical reaction to lack of alcohol in the body, causing withdrawal. Byt I never heard of physical illness due to lack of . Im a christian Im not bitter but I just see the fruit in his life has always been bad He missed the birth of our daughter bcuz he was on a date just for example. I think its all a big excuse so he can live with himself. Does anybody think addiction is not just a problem but an actual disease????

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