Friday, August 12, 2011

My son was abused by miami fl police?

I knew I would get some stupid respond's.My son barely arrived on time for the bear's game they went from the airport to the hotel from the hotel to the Bear's game. another thing my son seldom drink's, he's a big guy and two beer's were not gonna get him drunk. his friend's are all educated like him they are mature not low life people. My son does not swear or use foul languge. I know that for a fact my daughter makes up for what he does not do, I'm not the type of mother that is gonna sit here and make excuses for my children. like my son said if I had did something I'd be the first to admit it. I guess the police wanted to make there quota for the day. or is that the way they treat visitor's?? yes he was rooting for his team is that a crime?? I heard of this happening alot in miami fl but I did not believe it, now I do.. my son said there was a girl arrested for standing up while she was watching the game and they arrested her I guess they told her to sit down and she stood up to root for the bear's and they arrested her. that's unheard of in chicago. and yes I said the Bear's won 16-0. which I'm sure upset them low life police. I told my son be careful how u cross the street or sit' down while your in florida the police might not like that. I have a friend that lives miami fl and she told how the police are. I know some of you people can make remark's like my son provoked this. because the story is unbelieveable but true. my son still can't believe it himself. and yes something is gonna be done about this too many wittnesses and video. so for all u people that are making negative remark's it's o.k. because it does sound unbeliveable but true.

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