Monday, August 15, 2011

Willl I get a call back from American Apparel?

Ok so I went to an AA open call yesterday. I wore an AA pink bodysuit, black blazer, high waisted mini skirt with small flowers on it, black leggins and some mary janes. I think I did seem a little nervous and I think they noticed but I also think I answered the " Why did you choose American Apparel?" question correctly. I said I wanted to work there because I love their clothes, because I want to display my customer service experience and dedication in a place where hard work is valued and because I love fashion :) Then they asked me did I enjoy my previous job and I said I loved it. They didnt ask why so I didnt say why I loved it so much. Thats where I think I messed up. I think I shoulda continued talking but I didnt. Then they took 2 head shots and 2 body pics with my name written on a piece of paper but not with my phone number. Did I mess up? Does that mean I"m not getting the job? They said it will take up to a week for them to call but when a company really wants to hire you theyll call immediately. Has anybody been to an AA open call and actually got the job? How long did it take for them to call? Thanks :)

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