Friday, August 19, 2011
Does he like me or what guys?
Hi Mysterious, you two spend half the day giving each other signs that you like one another. And the other half making sure that you're not going to tell each other. And naturally you're shy, everyone asking questions seems to be shy. However in this case I don't think you need shyness, unless he approaches you first, then shyness in a girl makes her seem vulnerable and guys, especially ones that are interested in the girl, feel the need to protect her. From what you write you both like one another, so it really doesn't matter who approaches who. If you feel it's time to approach him, then do it. If you want to wait a while just to see if he approaches you, by all means do so. But I don't see wasting time like this is any good, for if you like each other then you might as well get together as soon as possible, why waste time. So your two questions should I speak to him well. Of course, I don't know what you're waiting for, he likes you, his tongue is hanging out, so speak to him and put him out of his misery. Well I think I answered both questions there, no does he want me to, of course he does. In fact, he should have approached you really, but perhaps he's even shyer than you. I wish you happiness.
I can feel my rabbits spine and ribs?
im taking care of some rabbits for my inlaws and i picked one up because i was moving things around in his cage. thats when i noticed that i could feel his spine and ribs. he eats and drinks still, which is why i didnt notice ne thing sooner. he stays in his cage, and hasnt had access to any dog, cat or racoon feces that i know of. what can cause this? hes still active, drinks and eats well. ne ideas? thanks :)
Is this good or bad mileage?
i found out my car gets about 200+ miles on a full tank of gas and its a 12 gallon tank. just out of pure curiousity, is that good or bad?
Pep Rally tomorrow!! Outfit?!?!?!?
wear like green soffees or just regular shorts and a white tee. dye your hair green with that spray or something. it would be really cool if you wore green sparkly eye shadow. these are just some ideas for you to work off of. have fun tomorow!
What do you think WWE is planning to do with Kane since he went to Smackdown?
Maybe a brothers of destruction reunion? I personally think Kane is transforming back into the big red machine i mean did you see the chokeslam he gave The Brian Kendrick? It looked like the same one he gave chavo when he became ECW champion! Or how about when he got drafted when the fire started it was just like his old fire when he had his mask on hmmmm cant wait for Smackdown spoilers.
I do i convince my parents to get a horse?
Okay, So I am 13 years old and i have been riding for 8-9 years. I have 2 pony's one is 10 hands and the other is a miniature and is 29 inches tall. I really want to get another horse that i can actually ride! I use to have this horse named skittles.. I loved her ALOT but she was still green and i was really little for her even though i was like 10-11 i was like 4'6 and she was 15 hands tall so i looked small. And also she couldn't jump that is another reason why i sold her. So my dad said that he would get me a horse and a reasonably priced horse trailer. But he doesn't want to pay the cost of like boarding, shoeing ,and vet. (my parents are divorce). I have my 2 ponies with me and my mom. But i really want to get this horse and board it at a stable where my friend rides. I would be willing to let them use the horse as a school pony and i could help do barn chores to reduce the cost of boarding. But i don't know how to convince my mom to get a horse. Also the place where i would board you can donate horses there.. so i am thinking of donating my ponies there because i dont know what to do with them when i am in college. I no it is weird for me to think about college but i am. So please help me on what you think i should do!
Baseball section! Do you agree with this?
Ok so im watching MLBN and Eric Byrnes just said something i found interesting. In the Mariners/As game there was just a triple play, and the reply showed that Ellis was safe at first. What Eric said was that umpires should make those calls just to reserve the great feat. Meaning, whether Ellis was safe or out, the umpire should call him out because its for the triple play. Or, for Galarraga's perfect game, whether the last play is out or safe, if its close they should just call him out regardless. Do you agree with this idea? that umpires should make calls to preserve great things? or should they make the RIGHT call regardless of the situation?
What are some traumatic things that could happen to child?
well things such as parent death, if you want to get creative you could go for murder, then there's or , abuse at the hands of a step-parent is typically traumatic.
Why did mandy moore decide to sing umbrella when it was orignally sung by Rhianna?
It's called a "remake" or a "cover." Artists do it all the time it gains them much needed attention towards their talents by riding the coat tails of an already popular song. Mandy released an album this year called "wild hope," and this probably got her the "shine" she was looking for. Mandy has also done an album of covers called "Coverage." I don't think there's anything wrong with it - Mandy's version of Umbrella is nice, different. Rhianna's version is fun and upbeat. Y! is running a whole series based on covers for example, Natasha Bedingfield did a terrible version of Maroon 5's "This love." LOL. Mandy's remake of "Umbrella" was part of this online series. If Mandy covered the song, she most likely enjoyed it, before choosing it....
Will I have to pay her federal student loan off?
If you did not actually co-sign then you cannot be held responsible for this forgery. When you sign for a loan you don't just add a name--that person has to sign it, meaning that your signature must have been forged (along with possibly other personal information such as your SSN). You need to contact a lawyer immediately concerning this.
Is it me or the skateboard?
I've seen people skate pretty well with really worn skateboards and of course you'd have to try a little harder when riding a worn skateboard, but my skateboard's tail is really razory and really worn. I notice I can hardly do an ollie on it, and if I do it's like 1 foot high. Am I getting worse, or is it my skateboard's condition? You think I should get a new one?
Can the cable co. trace the line to who is stealing it?
I live in apt. building,and a neighbor just removes the tamper proof terminator and taps into the line.Is there a chance that the cable co. can trace the line back to his apt. and get him in trouble? Or is it impossible to detect where the line is going if he can't get into the apt.?
Caribbean ppl this is serious thing did yall felt that earth quake?
YEs it true, I alive her I was at work at the waterfront and i thought it was the end of the building with me in it, I was soooo afraid...i don't ever want to experience that was 7.4, that bad , and there wher other small one, thank God i did not feel them.
When is "The Dark Night" starring Heath Ledger going to come out?
Since Heath Ledger died(rip Heath) who is going to finish his role in the dark night and when is it going to be released? I heard that several other people were going to finish his part (including Johnny Depp(of course since it's directed by Tim Burton))........who knows? if you what you know.
Can someone who lost their looks get them back?
wow 20 is too young to have to deal with stuff like that. my advice is get out there with your mates and just enjoy life, and eat healthy and excercise. if that doesnt work i dont know what would
Can Facebook see your IP address?
When you sign up can the moderators or whatever they're called see your IP address, and can people on facebook (friends) ever access it?
In the UK/Great Britain is there less discrimination than there is in the US?
i have spent a lot of time in the UK and i would have to say they are more discriminating...they openly discriminate...and i have been surprised to see be honest...
Is it true you can't flush toilet paper down the loo in Rhodes?
Myth or fact? Can't find whether it's true or not in the back of the brochure...then again they won't exactly want to advertise it if it's true lol
Can anyone recommend me some music?
I'm bored and just want some new music to listen to. I really like 90's rock. My favorites are Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Beck, Blink-182, Collective Soul, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Marcy Playground, R.E.M., Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Weezer. Can anyone recommend anything else?
How can I get over her?
I had a huge crush on this girl in my dorm, but I was walking by her door the other day and heard her having with some other guy...I was totally infatuated her but I guess I should try to get over her now, what's a good way to do that???
Where can you find free, printable Christmas music on the web?
I'm looking for pages that have both lyrics and the notes on the same page. Also what is it called when they are both on the same page?
Major Problem?
About four months ago we made an investment in a catgenie. All three of our cats have been using it fine up until about a month ago when my one year old persian just decided to stop using it. We decided to try to "retrain" her by putting a regular litter box next to it and not clean it out (which is what cat genie told us to do in the acclimation guide). She won't even use the regular one. So now we're in lockdown mode. All three cats are locked in the bathroom/laundry room area where the litterbox/catgenie is. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Computer rebooting please help... Atapi.sys, Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal?
it would be best the clean it to make sure that it is not overheating..... if that doesnt work I would then format the drive
If a pea plant has a tall stem what possible combinations of alleles could it have?
i just finished learning this and i have a bunch of notes on this but i am at my moms work and i dont have them with me. when i get home in about 3 hours i will re answer this with a the combinations for you.
What type of snowboard goggle lense is best?
I'm looking to buy new snowboarding goggles around $100-$150and preferably Oakley or Dragon brand. But there are so many lense types im not sure which ones to get. Im looking for a pair that can be used during the day but also at night without my vision being impared. I also have a fairly large head so if you could give me specific googles ment for a larger head that be great. thank you
How do you turn this problem into a proportion?
Leonardo da Vinci measured various distances on the human body in order to make accurate drawings. He determined that in general, the ratio of the kneeling height of a person to his or her standing height is 3/4. Using this ratio, determine the standing height of a person who has a kneeling height of 48 in.
What happens when somebody uses tap water instead of distilled water for sea monkeys?
My sister bought a kit to grow sea monkeys, but instead of using distilled water, she used tap water because she didn't know. Will anything bad happen to them? Will they die?
Can someone help with all these pregnancy abbreviations!!?
Also, AF and BFN. I thought you had to be pregnant to understand, but now I'm pregnant and still clueless.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
How is it possible to steam rice in a food steamer along with vegetables?
id say use a china dish instead of tubberware. i don't really understand what kind of steamer you have but we have a metal deep pot that a strainer sits in. I imagine if i stuck a bowl of rice in there, it would cook just fine. It might cook at a different speed than the veggies though, so I'd try a few test runs before preparing for a dinner party or anything!
Prom outfit (Having second thoughts ='/)?
No way! I love what Mary wears in the music video, I love the style of Panic! at the Disco on a whole. What she wears is y in it's own way without being horribly slutty like what most girls will wear to prom, plus it's highly original and pretty damn awesome :D I wish I'd thought of this :(
HOW do YOU get rid of Jehovah Witnesses?
That is cause they don't believe that Jesus IS God. Good for you to know your Bible. Its not enough for us Christians to read the Bible, we have to actually know.
Y does my comp have regular culor but when iget sys pac 2 after 4matting ep 7 completly my scrn goes to?
default mode 4bit color and 680 4 scrn sizewhen i down load ie 8 screen is all black itwork but monitor shows nothing just black
Should I trade Donald Driver for Roy Williams?
I was offered a trade in my fantasy football league: Driver for Roy Williams. i have been very pleased with Driver's production so far and he has exceeded Williams' production, but over the course of the season do you think Driver could continue to put up those numbers being the number 2 receiver behind Greg Jennings. Any advice would be appreciated
Why is the full history of evolution not taught in schools?
My guess is that, in this study, the information is being changed as new finds suggest different information. It, of course, should be introduced. Africa shows the most potential for being "roots" but since digging deep into the earth is labor intensive and costly, it will be a long time before we can know for sure. Lucy makes the most sense but that all we have to go on. Life changes quicker than previously thought and the earth changes, so going back 100,000 years isn't the same as today. We have to be real careful about saying that common ancestors were one color or another for racists will take advantage of information that really can't be proven. If you say black or white is the first then the other will say that they are improved ones. Better to go with the UFO people and say we come from the "greys". lol
What is in the middle of the pentagon?
Is it a bit of a field where you can eat your lunch, or have a kickabout with a ball? Or is no one allowed there? If so, why do the gardeners get to go there?
Is this congressman starting a civil war with his words about the new law in Arizona?
Yes, he is- the d@mn ...All you patriotic & law abiding Arizonians get your rifles and guns ready, and those who don`t own guns get a baseball bat, a hunk a pipe, frying pans, toilet plungers or anything you got close at hand - ready...Try getting the biggest idiots like congressmen Grifalfa & Guitierez first..
If evolution is true, is it possible to measure how far different species have evolved?
As far as I know about the evolution myth, if the environment where a given species lives remains stable, then no evolution will take place, ie, the species in example are not evolving. Take alligators and crocodiles for example. But if the environment does change then species will have to adapt to the new environment or face extinction and these adaptations allegedly take place with each new generation. But is there some DNA marker or something like that that tells us how far a species has evolved? I mean, humans are the most dominant species on the planet so does this mean that humans have evolved the furthest or does intelligence play no role in the rate of evolution? Like, is there a species that has evolved further than humans but is still obviously just an animal?
Now accepting nominations for the World's Ugliest Names contest!?
oooo this could upset someone as last night someone asked something like this and put my daughters name which is Paige and im still upset now so im out sorry lol
How do I freeze a frame in a video clip?
I get video clips of my granddaughter, and I would like to be able to freeze some of the frames so I can convert them into JPEG images with my Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Does she like me or wants to be friends?
So last year i met this girl in cl. we talked and laughed all the time. But then i start to like her. The cl ends and went our separate ways. That summer i got bored and looked her up on myspace and we started to talk again. She gives me her cell number. But the only time when we have a conversation, its me starting it. Then homecoming comes, i ask her out. Shes says im going with someone else. But i never saw her dance with anyone. We text eachother about eachothers problems and relationship problems. Then I somehow lost her num, and i created a new myspace and found her. We talked and she gave me her cell again. She keeps telling me that she really wants to see the new harry potter. shes single now . so idk, i still have feelings for her, so does she like me or just wants to be friends.
My external hard drive won't show up?
My seagate freeagent 1tb external hard drive won't show up on my Mac. It was working perfectly fine yesterday but now it won't show up. I have Windows partitioned on my Mac and it works fine in Windows. But when I tried to connect the drive to a different windows computer it wouldn't show up in My Computer and I couldn't access the files. The drive still lights up and sounds like it is working fine so I don't know what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks =)
Hate chris brown?
ok you seriously need to be shot like right now!! i know not everybody likes him, but to say you HATE him, that's just wrong. I LOVE CHRIS BROWN!!!!!!!!!! and what's the rest of the question got to do with hating chris brown?
Dont get tired of me!!.Asked earlier.Please everyone shear your success stories with clomid it gives me hope!!?
Some one i know was unable to have a baby and had IVF treatment to try adn concieve, althought about 2 weeks before they were due they ped away. But then the woman is now in her late 40's had a baby girl, so it can all change around
What sat score do u think i will get if my psat was 1850?
Hey man, wow 1850 without any studying is really good. since psat is easier then sat, ur score will probaly be lower unless you study. If you study throughout the year, obviously ur score will go up. an estimate on wat ur score would be maybe aroung 1700 at this point. if u study, u can definetly get a 2100 or higher. hope that helped bit.
My friend needs an answer to this.?
He saw a sign on the Interstate Highway in Michigan which said "Ten thousand dollar fine for injuring highway workers in a construction zone." My friend wants to go to the Capitol of Michigan (Lansing) and ask the Highway Department if he can buy a certificate for $10,000 allowing him to injure a highway worker, and then do it. What do you think of his plan?
What do you think about France?
It,s a country that is friends with dictators like Saddam, Putin. Pokes it,s nose everywhere in Africa and Levant. Attacks poor countries in Africa.Shamelessly opposes USA everytime inspite of the fact that USA saved it both times in world war 1 and 2. Now tell what do you think of France?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Is honda shadow 600 a good bike ?
It is a small v-twin, but it is still 100 pounds heavier than the S40 and not nearly as quick off the line. If you want the style of a V-Twin you have to pay the weight penalty of a V-Twin. Is a bit faster top speed, a claimed 90 mph to the S40's 85 mph. It is a roomier bike if you are over 5'10". I like small bikes, the S40 is a *far* better motorcycle -- if you like small bikes.
Beauty ques. easy 10 pts!!!?
my lips are kinda big, bt not really, anyway, sum days they look real small than what they posed 2 be, its like my lips shrink, wat i wanna know is wat homemade or store bought things that will plump them up a lil?? bt i prefer homemade bt its wateva. thnks. oh yea and dont tell me i dont know how 2 write, cuz i do i jus dont feel like it:)
Siruis Internet Radio...HEEELP!!!?
So I paid for Sirius Internet Radio. The player loads, and it lets me go through and pick the station and says now playing but nothing plays. Yes my volume is up, yes my internet browers, flash players and my media player are all updated. It is also added to my list of trusted sites. Anyone have advice for me?? I would appreciate it!!
Which God? - the Mormons, JW's and Muslims have a counterfeit god ?!?
I am not going to judge any one Church for their beliefs, because it does not interfere with my own, personal beliefs. I am on my own Path and am at peace, happy, content and relaxed with no fear about entities like the devil, anti-christ, etc. etc. So, what others want to believe regarding a God, is entirely up to them.
I need some good crock pot recipes. Anyone have any ideas?
There are soooo many great recipe sites for crock pots... and of course many great recipes. I make stews and chile in mine. I've even made a chocolate cake/pudding dessert that was out of this world. Anything different (like that dessert) I've found on the internet. Beef stew is great. I don't really eat beef, except may a few times a year, but I understand the juices get nice and brown without even browning the meat in a pan first. I don't know if I'd do it that way, but it's worth a try. I'd consider plugging "Crock Pot recipes" and "Slow Cooker recipes" into Google. Guaranteed you will find countless recipes. Good luck!
Can someone explain these crochet instructions in plain english?
The answer above is correct. But there should be some instructions just before the first round which will tell you the number of stitches in the chain that is then connected to itself to form the ring into which you will be working your first round of stitches. You will then build around each successive round.
Before Darwin, Mendel, Watson & Crick, was creationism a reasonable guess?
Was there a point where "A being more powerful and intelligent than humans created everything" was actually a fairly good guess? Was the Genesis account cutting-edge science, circa 700 BC?
Which NFL team should i be a fan of?
i am in desperate need of a favorite nfl team. i am from dallas but dont like the cowboys,texans,chargers,or saints. i really need to find a team that i can be a fan of forever and never want to change. this is very serious. i really would apprieciate all the help.
Recommend me more songs like...(just piano & vocals)?
"The Nearnest of you" by Norah Jones, "I left my heart in San Francisco" by Tony Bennett, "When sunny gets blue" by Mel Torm�, "The Very Thought Of You" by Tony Bennett, "Bewitched", "I loves you p", "These foolish things", "My funny valentine", etc etc
Farting on pillow cause pink eye?
If I fart on my pillow will I get pink eye??? How to do it right before bed or an hour or whatever before???? Im JustWondering im not gonna do it
How much of difference in money value of the 1920s compared to today's money value?
My cl are reading the The Great Gatsby and none of knows how much the pearl necklace (350,000) Tom gave Daisy would've cost in today's money value.
ity forced onto Eharmony?
You're over-generalizing there. But I think the gay web site was formed so that the whole accusation would go away. eHarmony isn't about court cases and probably the lawyers weren't cheap.
What invention supported Louis Pasteur's research?
Well, exactly that. What was the invention that supported the research of Pasteur? I'm going to guess it was the microscope, but if anyone knows, please and thank you! :)
Whats the best way to keep my skin clear until friday?
To be on the safe side - dont change your daily skin care routine because a CHANGE my change everything and u coudl start breaking out! So yeah do what u are doing.
Interview with Barros Schelotto on his thoughts on the MLS...finally someone who speaks the truth?
I laughed a few times when I watched the MLS. I'm glad someone actually spoke out and said the truth. I see Blanco, Schelotto, Emilio, Angel and all these cats tearing up the league. Making the american defenders and other players look innocent. They have no vision on the field and just kick the ball around hoping a teammate runs and gets it. I see so many horrible pes and nasty shots, its ridiculous. I tried to watch some regular season and playoffs primarily to watch Blanco, but the players around him are horrible. Blanco could have had about 35 ists if his teammates would put the ball in back of the net. But his teammates would try to p it to someone else and lose it instead of taking the shot, or hold it and have it taken away. Sometimes even kicking the ball into the stands. There are some moments of brilliance but its very rare. I only found about 3 MLS games exciting. One was 5-4 game between Dallas and Houston (horrible defense but nice goals). The Fire-Chivas game, and another game I can't remember. I watched a lot of Mexican league games and was thrilled with many games. The competition is still way better in Mexico, even though many think the MLS has grown. But when you have the Baby Chivas (all the young guys) take out DC United (the MLS best team) it tells you something.
What do i say to my friend???? She's Being a meanie!!?
okay if cie is being messed up towards you,you should tell her how you feel and if she doesnt want to be friends anymore, she was never your friend in the first place.
Why would god kill a man for not resting?
God gave very specific instructions as to how the children of Israel were to live their lives. This man and others would choose to rebel and disregard God's leading and instruction and place what they wanted to be and do ahead of how God set things up. They knew better and chose to ignore what God wanted and followed their desires instead. God looks on the attitude, the intent of our choices. God should be first in our minds and hearts, and our actions need to reflect this.
Why is going on with my GF? ?
She recently got out of a 2 1/2 relationship with her ex and came to me 3 weeks later seems kinda rebound to me but...idk we went out for about a week and then she said we need time apart to think about her feelings cause she still has feelings for her ex yet she says she loves me with all her heart. is she just trying to ind out why she is thinking about him to try to make are relationship better or she trying to break up easy with me? PLEASE help
Gwen The Magic Nanny PC Game...?
In Gwent The Magic Nanny, Once you get to the robots, Level 1. I cannot find the 3rd robot part anywhere... Any ideas?
Need 2 RB's to win my playoff game! Help : )?
well it depends on who these guys r playing u might want mo morris because there playing the rams i wouldn't pick hightower cause he ain't playing well and ward don't get a lot of playing time. I def think u should chose gore and thomas. I would try and pick up morris and drop hightower. I heard morris will probably play a lot but to be safe take gore and thomas
Riddle *Hard*?
Typing is the key to the mystery... he was "blindly typing" and the V and the C are next to each other on a standard qwerty keyboard. Also wine is often stored in "vats" not barrels.
My daughter can never do her homework herself **experienced parents, please**?
It sounds like she just wants YOUR help, not the book's or the dictionary's. Help your daughter instead of sending her away to look it up herself.
Help again! pregnant and 16!?
okay as i recently asked am 16 and pregnant. okay i decided to tell my mom. it killed her. she was crying and crying and she was dissappointed in me. she wants me to have an abortion. but i dont want to have it. abortion is murder. my dad is psycho. out of the joke, he will kill the baby, kill me, and finally kill my boyfriend. My boyfriends family is okay with it, theyll take me in if my parents dont want me but still how can i talk to my mom about all this? its too much weight and pressure on me. By the way shes taking me to the doctor tomorrow and she wants my boyfriends family to pay for the abortion.Please help!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to find an ellen page saturday night live skit!!?
It's the one where Ellen is the new step daughter of "Virginia" played by Kenan Thompson and they are in Baby Gap trying to buy " shorts". I looked all over the SNL web site and could not find the video. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harry Potter related gifts for my Best Friend?
Make her a wand, or a slideshow with pictures of Harry Potter characters and stuff, with the theme music. If you can knit, make her something with the Gryffindor colors, red and gold. You could also make her a cake shaped like the Hogwarts crest, google it if you don't know what it looks like. You sound like a great friend!
Officially 25 days late for my period ?
With that said I have taken hpt and have had 6 faint positives. I got the first the day after my missed period. The last faint + I got was on Sunday the 17th (I got 2 actually). the brands used were dollar tree, fact plus, and ept. I took a answer brand test last Friday and yesterday and got BFN!? I have a dr's appointment on the 5th but was just wondering if this has happened to any of you before and actually found out you were pregnant? Do certain brands not work for some people. My husband thinks im pregnant, I have been VERY moody the past 2 weeks, especially at him (sorry baby!) I have also been getting headaches on and off, peeing a little more frequently (this past weekend I had to get up 3 times in the middle of the night to go!) This last weekend I noticed a tingling sensation in my , not painful at all jut a weird feeling almost like mny was asleep lol. What else, my cervix has been high and soft for the past few weeks, and I have had an increase is discharge down there (lotion like than watery at some times) and I have been very gy. ( all I ate yesterday was a bowl of fruity pebbles and I had extreme gas wtf!?!). The latest I have ever been on my period was 7 days. Im not under any more stress than normal and hav not gained or lost alot of weight. Believe me af is almost always on time. When me and my husband got married I was under sooooo much stress, and I was loosing weight and AF came ON TIME. So why the negative tests? i couldnt have had 6 evap lines. I did put the answer brand test into my urine cup for 20 seconds and the box said 5 seconds. I dont know if this would make a differance? Any imput would be nice!
What's the song that goes like Doo Doo Doo, Doo duh Doo Doo. Ha, that's all I really remember...?
It has a part where it says Goodbye over and over again, and it sounds a lot like Harvey Danger. PLEASE HELP ME.
Have you ever been in this sort of scenario?
Where a creepy man with black greasy hair and a love for the Dark Arts drags you down to the school dungeons by your ears, where a drunken caretaker named Argus Filch would be awaiting you with a cactus and a crochet mallet....? ^_^
Who will protect us from the terrorists if Bush is gone? McCain is a liberal, Obama Muslim, who'll protect us?
After 9/11 President Bush saved us all by removing saddam from power after his attacks on the WTC. Can any of the current candidates be trusted upon to have the same sound judgment?
Do the republicans keep talking about Michelle Obama because Cindy McCain would suck as a first lady?
Cindy McCain is not an honest person or one that gives the impression that she cares about the average citizen. She's an extremely wealthy heiress and, like her husband, is out of the touch with the people.
Is it easy for brit to settle in Bermuda and is that just about the best place in the carib ?
I wouldn't think it would be a problem because it is a british territory but, Bermuda isn't in the Caribbean. It's about 500 miles east of North Carolina.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal/Gauze?
I just had my four impacted wisdom teeth removed at 9:50 this morning. It's currently 12:27 where i am. i've had to change my gauze once already because my mouth dried out when the gauze was stuck to my throat (blocking it with a thin layer). I guess I'm swallowing blood and saliva because i keep burping and i haven't ingested anything since 9 P.M. yesterday night. How often should i be changing this gauze, and also, can I drink? when I try to drink with the gauze, i just start dripping blood and water everywhere (im still numb from chin to eyes (save my nose).
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Do you know anyone who has a dizzying intellect?
If I get my brother talking about computers, after 5 minutes I have no idea what he's talking about. And I'm not exactly ignorant about computers.
What should i wear to this bon fire?
I'm going to a bon fire with my friends and there will be cute boys there,,,,jeans and a hoodie? Adidas sweats with a hoodie? or what?? Ugg boots or sneakers?
Why would Obama bring up keating5?
The truth squad hit that video big time! A bunch of lies and statements edited to make McCain look as bad as possible. FACT, McCain was not charged with anything! 4 democrats were.
Is it bad to hold in your farts?
I figure it is, but what can happen if you do it a lot? Farting is something that needs to happen. It's natural. but people are offended when you let them out, WHY???? It can't be good to continuously hold them in. Sometimes you have to hold them in in certain situations, but sometimes it's not that bad but you just don't want people to be like " Ugh who farted? That's gross!!!"
What ps3 games should i get from my list?
black ops is fun to play online infaomus 2 is realy cool if u played the first one u have to play the 2 one gta is ok but if u play sanandreas u cant fix up ur car in gta IV l.a noire is just like gta but has mor of an emphasis on mobsters home fornt is preety good to and u should add any of the in creed series to ur list there really good
Meeting internet lover...?
It sure is hard to know what the right thing is to do. Since you are close via the internet, why not discuss how you will greet each other for the first time. It will save a lot of stress and will break the ice a little more gently than all of a sudden up front and personal. After that, your greetings will come naturally. Thanks for that question. I also found an answer for myself.
i posted before about the farting in each others mouths before thing with my bf but thats ok now im used to it but now he wants to eat each others poo and not just before its everytime i go to the toilet he will tell me not to flush and will eat some of it in front of me and he got me to try his and i almost threw up because it tasted horrible please help me i dont want to lose him but i really dont like the taste of it =/
Which brand of Cologne is better?
Generally, the cheaper colognes like addidas will not last as long. I personally like CK Eternity and used to wear curve religiously.
I'm cooking corned beef in a slow cooker - and I noticed that it's sort of rubbery how can I soften it?
What are you planing to do with the meat? If you are planing on slicing it thin for sandwiches it meat is fine then.You also can take it out and cut the meat into chuncks
How close do you have to be to earth in space to be sucked in and what would it feel
This is not in a spaceship or craft i mean just floating in your suit...what would experience look like getting that close to earth?
Catholics, can you explain this?
Why would we spend time in purgatory if we received a full pardon for our sins? Jesus said, it is finished. If Christ paid for sins and GOD remembers them no more. Why are we paying for them again?
Rank my Fantasy Roster...tell me who i should trade and i have a few trade offers, tell me if they are good?
Take that deal. Best guess is Warner gets the starting gig in Arizona and has 2 stud receivers...he was the highest scoring fantasy QB the last 5 weeks last season (when you would be in your playoffs and need good QB play). I also think the Seahawks need to grind out games on the ground and Jones will get the bulk of carries while any RB in Denver is subject to losing his job at any moment (there are already whispers of Andre Hall stealing Youngs job). So I am thinking Jones is the better fantasy back anyways and you get a bonus with Warner. And when you have to drop someone it has to be Boller.
Please help :( do i hav the flu or a head cold?
Kay it's christmas day and i feel like crap. it started as a mucus cough but now its changes to also a tickle in my throat. my body is soo painfull nd the top of my spine is sore too and also when i get up i'm dizzy but i do not hav chills or a fever. Also my nose is blocked plz help :L
Ladies, please offer your opinion. I need help.?
I've been dating a man for nearly two years now, and I believed that we loved each other. I noticed a girl was posting on his facebook page, and call it womanly intuition, but I just had a bad feeling. I asked him about her, and why she signed her name "mischa" when her name was really hilary. He lied to me an told me someone gave her that nickname. I didn't believe him, so I hacked his facebook. I saw that he had simply left her a comment that said, "you look hot in your profile pic. Like mischa barton." Turns out this girl had been hitting on him while he was out of state, and he didn't tell me, even when asked directly, because he was afraid I would blow up over it. He's never physically cheated on me, but I consider what he did (going behind my back, complimenting another woman) cheating. He told me that he complimented her because she was posting things about how she was ugly, and because he brushed her off before, he didn't want her to feel poorly about herself. He said that all the problems we had been having in the relationship caused him to lose sight of what was important, and he got wrapped up in it and liked the attention she was giving him. I can understand his perspective, as I have been difficult to get along with (I have bipolar disorder, and experience frequent mood swings). I just think that the lying really made the situation awful. He has never physically cheated on me with anyone, but do you think what he did is grounds for ending a relationship. I just don't think I can ever trust him again.
Who was a better leader for india: mahatma gandhi or jawarhlal nehru?
You are right, this is a tough question. Both men are fine people and outstanding leaders. But how about this -- each was the best for his particular time? Gandhi was a messianic kind of person, and he was just what was needed to lead people in what seemed an impossible conflict against the mighty British Empire, and yet he was just the right person to do this. Nehru, on the other hand, was more what might be called a nuts-and-bolts guy, meaning he was very good at the process of changing India from a part of British Empire to its own independent nation. He was excellent at this and the absolute best for his country at that time.
SM Trainee M1's Park Chanyeol 박찬열 has facebook?
Yes!! my friend is a trainee in SM and she said it's true Park Chanyeol oppa has twitter and facebook!! its official! its just that SM didn't mention because he isn't a celeb yet!
Need advise - should I leave my GF?
My gf and I (I'm gay) have been tog. for 7 mos. I moved to another state to be w/ her after 4 mos. We moved in quick bc I got laid off so we fig I start my job search in the new state. I didnt know that my gf drank everyday...and now is up to a bottle of wine a night. She has become mean and nasty towards me. Not only when shes drinking. Everytime I ask her what is making her so nasty she tells me its because Im not working. Truth be told I am working doing internet sales but its just some side money so I can give her half the rent. She constantly makes me feel bad about not havinga job and always says things like "If you really wanted a job you;d find one" Obviously I will not take a job that pays me the less or the same as unemployment that makes no sense. So she says she resents me for not having a job and the first job I did get I had to turn down bc the working conditions were horrible. I told her if you love me you wouldnt put conditions on your love for me. Last weekend we went out with her friends and she got drunk. She cursed me out, left her friends house, locked me out of the apt and when she finally let me in she let our maintenance guy call the cops on me bc she "wanted me out" and I technically am not on the lease. The cops came and of course they saw I lived there and left with no problem but who does that? Then she tells me she does love me and that we ar ejust having problems. I cant take it anymore an dI am deciding if I should I move back home. Problem is I love the old her. The woman who used to stare in my eyes and make me feel like I was the only one on the earth =( I dont foresee this getting any better but I've never been good at "knowing when to work harder or when to walk away". Please any advice is appreciated.
Manic Panic Hair Help!~?
i think u should bleach it ,, by the way if u colored u r hair allot after 1 year maybe it will be goon
Examples of human alleles whose frequencies vary from one global region to the next.?
hair color: blonde allele very common in Sweden, but not common in Japan, where brown/black is the most common
Wants to take kickboxing lessons but...?
I am a 32 yr old who is completely out of shape and has no flexibility, whatsoever... I just required an interest.. How silly is that??
Back to the drawing board...I need boys name help?
I don't think it would sound bad if the first name did end in N, IMO... but anyway. For an uncommon name for a boy, I like Reese, Riley, Ryder, Jax, and Skyler.... hope thats inspiring. If I have a boy, I'm going with Jett!
In the Great Gatsby, what similarities and differences did Carraway indicate between East Egg and West Egg?
The East egg is the aristocracy they were born into their status and its more conservative. The West Egg is made of people who created their own empire and they were not born rich.
My landlord has left me without hot water for over a year... Can I claim compensation?
I have had no hot water throughout the house, as the boiler is broke. I can just about manage to get heating out of it but NO hot water. I have to run the electric shower for a bath as it's not strong enough to have a shower with, but takes up to an hour to run a bath which is NEVER more than lukewarm. I have told him on many occasions and he has ignored me or poo pooed it. On the first night I moved in, there was a flood due to the blocked drains that flooded into the house ruining all my unpacked boxes. I've taken it to the Solicitors but suddenly he want's to fix everything overnight. I have been advised not to let him fix the repairs until the survayor comes out and gets evidence. The landlord is getting snotty with me in texts and its stressing me out as im pregnant and I just want to get out of this house now, which the solicitors is helping me to do. I just don't know if its worth all the stress? It's not just the water.... I have no cooker connected, I have one but in the 6ft x 6ft kitchen there is no connection for a leci or gas oven. Also the house is SO cold and my fire was condemned in Early January of this year. The gas inspector said I'm lucky to have woken up at all. My landlord is an utter waste of space and I hope they get all they deserve when this case get's seen to... I hope...? I just need some reurance ( I can't spell lol) thanks in advance
Another great depresion?
america bush is makin the same mistake hoover made nearly 100 years ago and im afraid it will bring our country to a dead end bush is by far the worst leader since hoover he said the exact same thing hoover said the goverment doesent need to interfere with the economy i worry for our country by the end this year we will be in the 2nd great depression then opposing countries will stand up to us i belive if a second great depresion happens bush needs to step down ASAP what are your thoughts america
I have the steelers D vs the pats and i have the giants D vs the cowboys so im staring the gaints..good idea?
i dropped the packers d cuz they gota bye s im picking thm back up after this week, and 1 of my WR might not play so i might have to start dez bryant but im starting the giants d orshould i just start he steelers on sunday night? or should i just drop dez this week pick him up next wekk 4 mike williams who is predicted to get 13 vs the panthers?
The Green Bay Packers have alot of trophies should they start storing them in Chicago?
No they should store the hardware in Minnesota where the trophy case is completely bare...but that umes they actually have a trophy case which seems like an unnecessary and useless expenditure for the Vikings.
What happens when your car freezes?
my car has been parked outside the house for 4 days unused. as you know the freeze hasnt even started to thaw its worse! its a ford ka2. i scd all the snow and ice off the car got in and it wont start!! cant lock the power lock now either as there is no power! i only bought the car last week and forgot to ask if there was antifreeze in it! im hoping its the battery but if its frozen what do i do? thankyou in advance
How many people think addiction is a disease like alcoholism?
My ex husband cheated on me 6 yrs ago i got a restraining order and divorced him Well he married her I told her she wasnt the first and wont be the last he cheated on me bfore her. Well now he is cheating on her with a woman they had s with. I wouldnt do s his current wife is as sick as him!! He told me all this with no shame over the phone. A few days later he calls apologizing for all he every did to me I telling me he is a lust addict. I forgave him long ago before the apology. But honestly I think he is fake Cheaters blame anyone and anything including " so called addictions". I think he is putting a lifetime of bad behavior on this addiction I dont believe his crocodile tears or his happy horse crap about 12 step program for lust addiction. I know its a problem a choice But to say its a disease? That implys he cant help behaving this way. Alcholism is a disease because there is a chemical reaction to lack of alcohol in the body, causing withdrawal. Byt I never heard of physical illness due to lack of . Im a christian Im not bitter but I just see the fruit in his life has always been bad He missed the birth of our daughter bcuz he was on a date just for example. I think its all a big excuse so he can live with himself. Does anybody think addiction is not just a problem but an actual disease????
Agree/Disagree... (20 Character)?
hmm.. why aren't they main eventing then? Jack Swagger was main event status. its just a matter of opinion and how far you agree with the decisions being made of who gets main evented or who's mid card..
Monday, August 15, 2011
Has my sister's drunken behaviour gone too far for reconciliation (long, sorry!)?
My younger sister (29) is getting married this summer and me (32) and my older sister (42) are going to be bridesmaids (we are both already married). We are all close but the other night something happened to change this. We all went out at the weekend on the first girls' night out we have had together for about a year as me and my older sister both had babies last year. We had a great night and at one point, a bunch of guys a lot younger than us came up and started chatting. We made it clear that we were all taken as soon as we met them but one of them still took a bit of a shine to me and followed me around the club like a puppy. NOTHING happened at all and I stayed with my sisters all night, just dancing and having a great time with the girls. Then, when we got back to my younger sister's house where we were staying the night, I had just put on my PJ's ready for bed when my older sister (who'd had one too many to drink) just completely turned on me. She said she was very 'disappointed' in me for not being more ertive and telling that guy to "f" off. Everything was fine though, the guy hadn't been a problem at all so both my younger sis and I insisted that nothing had happened so why was there an issue? My older sis then called me all the names under the sun and then started on my younger sis, calling her a "little s***." I was in tears by this point and my younger sis was defending me to the end, but then my older sis locked herself and my younger sis in a bedroom and I overheard my older sis saying "You don't know what she's like - something happened with her and your fiance five years ago - he made a p at her!" Now this is utter rubbish and the first I have ever heard of it. Then my little sis went screaming downstairs to her fiance demanding to know what happened and he, of course, denied it too but older sis was insisting that it had happened because our mum had told her. This led to both my sisters physically fighting on the stairs and older sis locking everyone in the house and pushing us all out of the way of the door. We were all in tears, my younger sis was fighting with her fiance and while I was screaming my innocence, my older sis was shouting abuse at me and calling me a liar. I honestly have no idea where all this came from at all. It went on for a good three hours and we were on the verge of calling the police. Then I got my mum out of bed to intervene. She came over at 4.30am and she said she had never said such a thing to my older sister, which proved my innocence. It was an absolutely horrendous incident and now, three days later, I am still in a trance and emotionally scarred by the experience. My younger sis is covered in bruises from the fighting and she has just about made up with her fiance. The next day, I expected my older sis to be begging forgiveness on her knees but I wasn't prepared to talk to her when she came knocking on my door hours later the next day and so she sent me about ten abusive text messages justifying her actions and still calling me a liar. Even my husband didn't know what to think about me after hearing from me about this 'guy' and then my sister's fiance. Now, what I would like some advice about is, should my older sister still be bridesmaid at my younger sister's wedding? If you were me, could you bring yourself to plan the hen night, wedding etc with her and do so many bonding things when this awful thing has happened between you? Right now, I have said that I will not be bridesmaid if she is, but what should I do? I never want to see her face again but should I put this aside for the sake of my younger sis? My younger sis is hoping that we can put all this to rest for the sake of the wedding but should she still want my older sis as a bridesmaid after what she's done and if so, is that not really disloyal to me? Help me out and I'm sorry to ramble on for so long!
Why do people stare at me when I am with my white boyfriend?
I think you're being a bit overly sensitive. People stare at everyone. Guys stare at me constantly. I'm used to it.
How to get dogs to get along?
We recently got a new pup. She is a Dachshund, 3 months... and we had an older dog. He is a Peek-a-poo, and is 7 yrs old. Roxy, our pup seems to want to play with him alot, but Tommy (the older) doesn't want anything to do with her. He growels, and nips at times. How do I get them to get along??
How could I rephrase this?
Girls usually attended schools which taught subjects such as literature, French and how to run a household. Academically-inclined males were encouraged to continue and complete their tertiary education to prepare them for a future in business or an equivalent profession which would enable them to become 'good providers'.
I'm pretty angry right now. Should I say "No" to this 'friend'?
Normally "D" asks me for my squash racket and ball when he's off to sport and I give it to him without any bother. The other day, I had some exam. It was late at night, and I needed liquid paper/white out. There weren't any nearby shops open, and I was panicking, with less than 12 hours left. I messaged him for it, but he didn't reply. Then I approached him (lives in the same corridor), and asked him why he didn't reply, as he knew I had an exam tomorrow. He told me he ran out of credit, so I told him then that I live just down the corridor. Then I was like "anyways, can I borrow your liquid paper just for tomorrows exam?" He was like "My liquid paper quality is not that good, and it's running can try asking others". I was kind of furious. Wasn't in a good mood before my exam. Now that it's all over, i'm wondering what I should tell him if he comes to me for my sports equipment. I'm kind of weak saying "no".
my stepdad has swine flu and im at my dads. i didnt go near him at all but the doctor said that i need to skip a WEEK of school and have a WEEK of homework and not be able to finish the test that i have 2morrow. after i come back none of my friends will get near me (just an estamite). please tell me if this is appropriate. im going CRAZY!
If a human body is thrown out from inside of a spaceship without a spaceship, will it just blast?
A human could survive approximately 1 minute in the vacuum of space. Space is a vacuum, meaning air-tight if you want to think of it that way. Not the sucking type vacuum. The vacuum where all objects fall at the same rate despite size/weight, because there is no friction acting against them in freefall. Space is cold, radiation would burn you up, and you would obviously suffocate. A number of things could happen to you. A meteor fragment could pierce you like a bullet.
Why do high speed projectiles disintergrate upon impacting water?
Yet low speed projectiles can the water to a significant depth? I saw a Myth Buster episode where they proved this to be the case, but didn't actually explain the science as to why this is so. I also know someone who hunts fish with a bow and arrow, so lower speed arrows have little problem water unlike high velocity guns. What is the reasoning behind this?
How many guys can a girl date (my sister Verlene has five!) before she has to face up to being a tramp?
I never date more then two or three at a time. She is so loose she makes me sick! How should I tell her that?
What do nightmares about alligators mean?
haha. they don't mean a thing, except for a possible phobia you may have. as a child, ive gotten PLENTY clown nightmares, but havent really been afraid of them. they would make really great horror movies, i would run all about my neighborhood with all my family and friends turning into clowns and chasing me throughout new york. my dreams started to repeat themselves and i began lucid dreaming and i could change the decisions i made to survive :)
What are some funny female characters?
I need someone to dress up as for character day. It can be any character from a movie or a play or tv. I want a female character who would be funny and original, but easily recognizable. I thought about judge judy, lois griffin, etc. Any ideas?
Cooking frozen sausage?
I cooked some frozen sausage straight in the pan with a little water. I DID NOT thaw them first. If i cooked them for about 20 minutes on medium heat will I be okay?
Does anyone know synonyms for meaning?
like as if "the meaning or our lives" please give any or EVERY synonym you can think of.... im writing a poem
Should the govt tell the French to shove the extradition treaty where the sun doesn't shine?
we should look at each individual case. this government has a duty to its citizens before the French government. this is blatant injustice maybe she can get a umanrights lawyer and sue the backside off 'em.
Is there any proof "gender dysphoria" actually exists?
this is "very" helpful: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
What is wrong with my 2 year old boxer?
It definately seems like she's in pain. It will be very difficult to tell where exactly the root of the problem is without a vet. I would take her to the vet before it gets worse. I have two dogs and I saw one of them like that once when she had an internal problem, but se would yelp when touched in her back or backside.
It is better to create an inc. or an LLC and why?
It boils down to tax reasons. These days the liability for both are similar. This question should be answered by your accountant.
Homework help for chemistry please?
It's been too long since I have done these - but when I need help, I use a tutor. You can signup and get free homework help at the site listed under sources below. Hope this helps!
How can destructive Talmudic Jews running our country destroy us when they are only 5% of the US population?
It is not the size of the tool, it is all about application. A small number of highly organized and efficient people, with influence and control in multiple facets of the corporate, political, and media entities can do infinitely more damage than a larger, well "programmed", inefficient, disorganized, wasteful, society.
Fill in the blanks: Go to the sto_e.?
You might think the answer should be "store" but linguists have yet to prove this missing link. Obviously it couldn't be stole or stoke, because that wouldn't be grammatically correct. It could easily be that it's supposed to mean "sto e" though, and we just don't know the proper divine vocabulary. After all, the sacred text "Some Dude's Guide to Grammar" says that "sto e" actually refers to a type of boat and thus is grammatically correct. While the apparent meaning is lost on some close minded skeptics, I know in my heart what it means. Storists should be open to the debate. After all, there was a time when the best minds in the world thought it was flat. What makes them so sure they are right this time?
College graduate looking into military?
I joined the Army after college with two degrees (BA and MS) and enlisted as an E4. OCS is still in the plan, I will probably drop my packet in a year or so. Going this route will give me experience in the Army and a chance to see what leadership or lack there of the officers have.
Willl I get a call back from American Apparel?
Ok so I went to an AA open call yesterday. I wore an AA pink bodysuit, black blazer, high waisted mini skirt with small flowers on it, black leggins and some mary janes. I think I did seem a little nervous and I think they noticed but I also think I answered the " Why did you choose American Apparel?" question correctly. I said I wanted to work there because I love their clothes, because I want to display my customer service experience and dedication in a place where hard work is valued and because I love fashion :) Then they asked me did I enjoy my previous job and I said I loved it. They didnt ask why so I didnt say why I loved it so much. Thats where I think I messed up. I think I shoulda continued talking but I didnt. Then they took 2 head shots and 2 body pics with my name written on a piece of paper but not with my phone number. Did I mess up? Does that mean I"m not getting the job? They said it will take up to a week for them to call but when a company really wants to hire you theyll call immediately. Has anybody been to an AA open call and actually got the job? How long did it take for them to call? Thanks :)
Any freeware programs to facilitate DVD9 to DVD5 copying?
DVD Shrink is the best one. But, some discs may need another app which I won't tell you about since it is illegal to do what you are doing.
OMUN crazy things to make as problems?
Are you a bright kid to get into the model UN or have you been conning other people into doing your work and letting you get the credit? Just curious.
As it is Satan that blinds the eyes of unbelievers?
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy the unwitting. He comes as a roaring lion seeking those whom he can devour. He comes as an angel of light as a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a liar and the father of lies. He is the god of this world and uses those who belong to him to lie and deceive those who will listen to their lies.
Why do Democrats expect to NOT have things verified?
Because they follow the same thought path as Adolf Hitler. "The people will more easily fall to a big lie than a small truth"
Name great bands please?
Bullet for my valentine, trivium, korn, slipknot, metallica, slayer, megadeth, breaking benjamin, seether, staind, nirvana, pearl jam, stone temple pilots, hawhorne heights, silverstein, avenged sevenfold, atreyu, escape the fate, drowning pool, paramore, nightwish... That's all I can think of for now
Can anyone help me find a Terminator Salvation torrent or online link?
Can anyone help me find a Terminator Salvation torrent or online link to watch it online, and no stupid ads or spam, or surveys
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Whats the difference between Creationism, ID, Theory of Darwin, Evolution and Panspermia?
Creationism is "God did it", ID is "An intelligent designer who has a secret identity we're not going to mention did it", the "theory of darwin" is nonexistent, evolution is an observed natural phenomenon of gene pools changing over time, and panspermia is the idea that life didn't arise on this planet, but is alien in origin.
Honda Dealership ripoff?
I just got a used Honda through a local dealer and they forgot to mention that it didn't come with spare keys, or the two front floor mats. However, they did offer to tint the windows for free ($129 value).
What is ethanol and how is it used as a fuel?
Do you know what google is? Type 'ethanol' into the google window, and you'll magically have a list of answers and explanations. Or reed newsweek or times every now and then. Next time try google before wasting time for answers from other people - its faster and more reliable.
Punnett square help?
lolz. I did this stuff in 6th grade. there is some information missing. you haven't told us if they are heterozygous or zygous.
Website has links that become active at 7:00am server time. Someone has figured out and always beats me in?
The time links become active at 7:00 am server time, and no matter what, day after day, week after week, the same user beats me to the earliest time. Any tricks as to how he manages it? The server time has a countdown, and I am right on it, but ALWAYS too late. Grrrr.
What do you think this sonnet I wrote last night?
I really liked it. It's good to see some more traditional writing. The only problem I had [other than the meter issues they've already pointed out] was with the last line. "Slowly drifting into eternity" just struck me as slightly cliche. But other than that, good job.
Do you know anything about steel decking?
Try searching on Google. (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a When say decking are you talking about roofing or maybe sheeting as in siding?
Why or why not a certain liquid may or may not be a good conductor of electricity.?
a good conductor of electricity is most likely to have many free electrons floating in the solution.
The movie Desperation.?
In the movie Desperation, what is the word that the sheriff keeps saying in kind of a turrets type way?
I am doing my project on fibre reinforced composites.can i get the MATLAB codes for the ysis?
I have done the failure ysis for an UD laminate using Clical Laminate Theory (CLT).. i am going towards FSDT.. It will be useful for me if Any body can give the MATLAB codes for CLT ysis of Laminate ...Thank You
Extreme summer bucket list?
you forgot number 23, post irrelevant questions in a languages forum. Then again, you've done that already.
Ollie help...feet in wrons
you might be sliding your foot a little too much or you might be leaning back when you ollie. So stay straight and jump straight up in the air so that your back foot never leaves the tail
Need Help with Bio question?
Calculate the genetic structure of a population of flowers in which 150 individuals are zygous dominant, 130 are heterozygous, and 58 are zygous recessive. uming that the allele for pink is dominant to the allele for white. Also describe the phenotype of the population.
I hate my looks so much?
ok what you need to do is face the mirror and say i am pretty i love myself everyday it will billed your selfistem
Will this latest scandal derail the McCain candidacy?
I'm glad I'm not voting for Gramm. Gramm isn't McCain and no matter how hard they want to paint Wright as Obama, they can't do that either.
15 gallon tank is pissing me off >.<?
I've experienced the same thing. Do you feed your fish brine shrimp? If so, that may be the left over "oil" from the coating of the shrimp. I had the exact same problem with my bettta fish when he didn't want to eat the brine shrimp. It was a clear liquid on the surface of the bowl.
My Escape key randomly stops working.?
I have a Sony Vaio laptop which ive had for a few months now and just recently mt escape key stops working. So praying it isnt a hardware problem and restarted my computer. And the problem went away. But it reappears randomly. So my ysis is that its a software problem but i dont know which one makes this happen. Any clues as to what makes it do this? its very annoying when playing a game and not being able to exit out of it or exit a fullscreen video. thanks.
Indian response to Pakistani political woes . . . I live in the United States?
and would like to know what response(s) India is considering should the political situation in Pakistan further deteriorate. It is very hard to find the Indian perspective in U.S. journalism, so any insight would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind, that as an American, I have a limited understanding of Indian government. Thank you in advance.
Alloy wheels on 2001 fiat punto?
No reported problems on 17" wheels, with a low profile tyre their not too far off the standard 15" wheel size. It may need some adjustment though depending on your offset and if you have alot of weight in the back or something, all very easily rectified with spacers and so on
How can i reduce my waist by 4 inches?
Although controversial, Atkins does work, and it works fast. I lost 3 inches on my waist in about a month and a half. Two weeks of induction (eating only meaty/fishy products, greens, no sugar, almost no carbs), then I adapted to a more regular healthy diet, combined with exercise to remain at a healthy weight To use Atkins, above all you need motivation, and you need to drink lots of water to avoid kidney failure.Some people will criticize this and say it is a short term solution, but my experience is that it will work fast. Combine it with cardio will be great. But be sure to stop the induction phase after two weeks. There are various websites where they'll explain Atkins.
How often will i need to buy my pleco a new hide out?
What kind of pleco is he I am in the process of getting a new hide for my pleco the one I have I don't know how he fits in there. Mine is a common pleco and they get big up to 2 feet long. Some other plecos are smaller and you get get by with just a small one. He should be fine in the bigger one but get the biggest one you can get.
Halo wars population question?
i cant get more than 40 pop as humans or more than 50 as the covenant but in the post game stats i see that my enemy has like 100! what the F man?! what do i gotta do?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Industry Supply Curve?
You are in the Medicine board. I think you'll have better luck if you post this question in a Business or Management board.
What are spanx used for?
I was watching the SNL skit with Tina Fey and Justin Bieber but I don't know what spanx are. I know I sound ignorant, and yes, I already searched it up, and it did not give any explanations. So...what are they? xD
.•*¨*`•.¸☆ Who will heal the all rounder woes for Team India?
I would count on Irfan pathan to deliver the goods for India!..He has been one of India's Best all rounder!!.. Itz just dat he has to put dat little extra effort on his bowling....Mind u...His best ability was to swing the ball...which in recent times hez not been able to do.... Thers no doubt on his batting u know he can strike the ball very very well... I think addition of irfan would definetly lend a balance to the side!!...
Why is it only me that gets bronchitis ever year in our family?
i get it without fail, i dont know what causes it but i have to take steroids and biotics. i feel really ill. why me?
Where are the J-E-T-S ( JETS! JETS! JETS!) and Charger fans?
Seem to have lost some numbers. Ya know when the Jets fly to Oakland to play the Raiders this year....we ALL need to be together and hope we don't choke like we did LAST year.... isn't it October 5th?
Jamal Charles or Sammy Morris?
Chiefs are playing a good Broncos run defense and so are the Patriots against the Texans... What would you do?
Red Sox are considering trading Julio Lugo to the Tigers for Dontrelle Willis. Good move or not?
I think it's great for both teams Lugo couldn't handle the pressure of playing in Boston with those fans. And Dontrelle all he needs is a chance to pitch and going to Boston he'll get his time because of the pitching that boston has. Alot of the pitchers are getting up there in age and don't have many years left.
1991 Isuzu Trooper Help!?
I am not sure about the humming, but sound like it is automatic sensor that would start up your cooling fan. As for having trouble cranking, your battery is drained from the humming of the electronic.
I think from sound of music or some other famous musical.
i am trying to find the musical song that has the lyrics "farewell, goodbye" and i know i have heard it from one of the more popular musicals like, sound of music, annie, mary poppins, etc. Can anyone help me with the title and artist?
At Smiths in Cauldwell walk, Bedford.400yards on the left towards Kempston past South Wing hospital you will get approx.�18.50
How to get a visit visa to abu dhabi for a lebanese pport if she is in paris?
his son is in Paris and he got a french pport and he wants to take his mother to Abu Dhabi, but he doesnt know what are the requirements?
Would this processor work for this motherboard?
It might work, some people got it to work, but it gives a lot of stress on the northbridge, which lowers the motherboard's lifespan, then again, you can always underclock your CPU, but that can shorten or toast your CPU as soon as you do that.
In need of advice in need help with this girl im heartbroken?
wow.. sorry man. the only thing you can do is to move on. and i can't tell you how to do that. you have to find a way your self. if the girl was ashamed of you, then she wasn't worth your time anyways. if your going to be with someone, and they are afraid to bring you around their friends because of what they think, you don't need any of that
IS this weird? Please Help!!!?
nothing is irregular everyone is different in their own ways, i like to see how well my fiance shots marshmallows inside my mouth.
228M eggs recalled following salmonella outbreak?
I won't be eating any for a few weeks. We've had a bad "stomach virus" break out in my city lately. Most of the people I've talked to have eaten eggs at restaurants and got sick the next day. It's either an odd coincidence or those eggs were tainted. It's not worth the risk to my baby, so I'm going to hold off for a while.
Is this katy perry?????????????
in the song right round by flo rider it sound lyk katy perry singin the girl part of the song but i dont kno if it is. so could u tell me if its her and if not who?
Dont u think bangladesh is performing better after w indies test series?
i mean restricting one of the strongest batting line up to 243 when they are batting first even srilanka couldnt do it
Amazing snowboard boots?
Nike Zoom? New Balance? DC? i have some cheap ones, and my feet are killin me now. i need some new kicks. Best boots for all day riding comfort?
It makes me sad seeing my Ex girlfriend having fun. Please help?
what kind of fun is she having? you should try to do the same and go find some fun stuff to do with your friends if you have any!
For people who have lost over 50 pounds on there own, how did you do it?
im looking for info from people who have lost alote of weight on there own and the best way to lose 50 or more pounds and keep it off ,with out pills or surgery , i have done ww , atkins , counting calories , anyone done any of them and took off alote , please only people who want to help reply thanks
Why can't the jets get to the superbowl?
I mean we've got so many great players Tomlinson, Greene, sanchez, Edwards, holmes , Ellis pouha to name a few on paper you'd think we'd be playing today right?
How INCians can get rid off fear of Gandhis and become independent?
Whole Gandhi clan encouraged their stooge in politics ,leading to only 'yes man' leadership.Congress lacks good leaders,that is the reason all of them feel insecure when One of the clan not heading.Admiral V K Singh
Creationism or evolution? (joke)? funny, and oddly ironic. In a small way, there's some logic to it. lol......*star for you*
What rhymes with laughing?
you could try any words that end in affing, you could make up a happy sounding word that makes it rhyme with laughing
If suffering symptoms...Would I have BFP by now?
They say, anytime you show signs of pregnancy, it's safe to ume it would be detected on a HPT. However, most of us women, beg to differ. I knew I was pregnant, and kept getting BFN's. But I am 30 weeks 2 days today, even though all those tests said I wasn't. There is still hope. Good Luck.
Why is it that noone notices anymore how amazing it is to be able to talk to ppl around the world through im?
People that would've never met before the advent of the internet are now meeting, and talking in real time, take or give a few seconds. Letters are now instantly deliverable to whoever u want it to be sent to, when before, it took days, weeks, or even months to get to them through snail mail. why are ppl so non-chalant about this?
Who is at fault in this coinsidence?
Okay this is just a question not a personal experience or something like that. Who is the rapist if an under aged person forces an adult over 18 to have with them? Because that would be statatory for the under aged person but they are raping the other person? This has been a real brain teaser. Please relieve me on this!
Can a crocodile see well under water? Can the croc bite underwater? Can it survive the ocean's salt for long?
These 'animal face-off' animations are not to be taken as being an accurate representation of the outcome of a fight between two animals. Although some degree of each animal's advantages and attributes are considered during the construction, it is purely conjecture. Also there is no way to know for sure if each construction is objective or subjective to any degree whatsoever. Furthermore (this being the case with shark v crocodile) such contests obviously must be shown in a viable scenario that each contestant can participate in. This requirement alone may potentially reduce the overall effectiveness and ability that that animal may otherwise have been able to demonstrate. Clearly this contest had to be set in water for obvious reasons ! That said Saltwater crocodiles do actually venture out in to open sea, so in this particular example the scenario is not adopted. (albeit it is highly unlikely that these two animals would EVER meet). Salties (as they are known in their native Australia) are very formidable and hugely powerful animals in or out of water. Their eyesight is excellent in or out of water, better than most sharks and much better than a Great white's. There is a minority of animals in or out of water that could defeat a Saltie and yes they certainly can bite, defend and conduct attacks themselves. In this contest however (I have not seen the animal face-off version) I think an adult female Great White (larger of the 2 es) would be too much for a Saltie. The shark's body shape and girth would make it very difficult for the croc to get any purchase with its jaws. Big and immensely powerful as a Saltie clearly is, a Great White is physically bigger, heavier and certainly even more powerful. Also the shark is a lot more agile and manoeuvrable in water and has stronger jaws than the croc, I would say the shark wins (Great White adult female that is).
Okay so I have bee researching dietary supplements and I'm beginning to wonder, Couldn't You just live of?
supplements without any whole foods? And yes I know that if you take one pill that contains the "daily value" of a nutrient that your body will have a hard time processing all of it and that this could also lead to poisoning etc. etc. In this hypothetical situation you would be drinking a lot of water and spacing out the supplements through out the day to maximize absorption
Is there anywhere online that I could find the answers to the review packet for chapter 23 in the A.P. history?
that is a long list!!! I tried looking it up, but there is no result, my suggestion is to do the packet
Why do people keep asking for anime mascot names?
i was going around and i kept seeing what would be a good name for a anime mascot for NBA and i don't y there asking that
Is the USA behind the unrest in the Middle East & Africa?
Almost at the same time Middle Easterners & North Africans are revolting against their leaders & the dictatorships they control. Have these actions been championed by the USA and NATO? Have we taken the war to the back door instead of the front line? Is our support for the rebels more than what we see? When the dust settles will we see more democracies in the region and more stability? As the people gain more human rights and prosperity will oil prices finally be more under control by free governments there and abroad? I think the answer to all these questions is yes! What is your opinion?
Catholics and orthodox what is your favourite saint or virgin? of your devotion?
is there any difference between catholic and orthodox veneration to the saints or the Virgin Mary.. are there virgins like the carmen or perpetual help in the orthodox churches? what is your favourite saint or virgin if you are catholic or orthodox? do you pray a novena or any prayer? could you tell me if you have recieved any miracle from him or her? thanks for answering me well.
Friday, August 12, 2011
If water levels are going to rise 1.5 metres by 2100?
You will not have to deal with this situation personally unless you plan to live another 92 years. I would suggest, however, that you begin to instruct your children and grandchildren in how to train the peasants to perform services that will become useful when the waters rise, such as fish-herding, wave combing and whale racing.
Ares Not Connecting :( 10 pts best answer!!!!!!! :D?
Hi uhm does anyone know why Ares on my compter does not connect? I have been useing it for a while but now its not working. :( help?
Proacitv refining mask on overnight..?
yes put it on after you do everything else and you can leave it on overnight if you just use it as a spot treatment
I want to provoke her curiousity yet not apear needy!?
I think that this new age of acting foolish and how you should act and seeming needy is ridiculous. Just tell her how you feel.
Beau Chenaux Jewellery LLC...SCAM ALERT!!!!?
The position is for financial flow coordinator. They ask you to apply for a credit card or use your own for the purpose of transfering funds. Their fake clients transfer large amounts of stolen funds to your account, you keep a percentage then you are required to western union the rest of the money to them. Their company website is For anyone applying for virtual istant jobs or at home jobs beware of ANY company that ask you to give out your personal info (bank account/credit cards) for the use of transfering ANY kind of funds. This is illegal and you might be prosecuted.
What's the name of the Pearl Jam song that sounds like Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide"?
The guitar riff you describe makes me think of "Yellow Ledbetter" by PJ, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it sounds like "Landslide".
Husband never made an effort to redeem?
Many times I tried to have a heart to heart talk to my husband, he doesn't seems to understand. Even if he does, he'll just has nothing to say. Even on the verge of separation due to he's betrayal. He admitted his mistake but never made a single effort to understand my feelings nor mending my broken heart. I don't know he's dumb or what? He just kept saying "I still love you" fullstop! Everyday I struggle to try to forget the incident but he has been lying for the past 4 years since our 1st child was born and while I'm struggling with a complicated 2nd delivery of our daughter. I just want him to communicate with me. Does every love hurts?
Traveling to Mexico next week!!!!!?
I so understand what your going through. I'm supposed to leave on May 7th with my son to Isla Mujeres. I have called Orbitz and the airlines are only letting people change it for travel through May 6th. All schools have been canceled Mexico. Why would we risk getting our children sick? Now all the kids are out of school too, this stuff is deadly!!!! I will suck up the cost bc our travel insurance will not cover a epidemic or pandemic!!!
How do you forgive someone who took great pleasure in your pain?
I'm trying to forgive my ex for the pain that I endured. She intentionally set out to hurt me in many ways and it almost killed me. I loved her more than my own life. I lived with constant suicide thoughts for 16 months and she egged on these thoughts and even laughed at my pain and desperation. I must forgive her in that if I don't, God won't forgive me for my sins. I also know that this pain only hurts me, but I am struggling so hard to lay it down. I truly am desparate, it has been years.
My son was abused by miami fl police?
I knew I would get some stupid respond's.My son barely arrived on time for the bear's game they went from the airport to the hotel from the hotel to the Bear's game. another thing my son seldom drink's, he's a big guy and two beer's were not gonna get him drunk. his friend's are all educated like him they are mature not low life people. My son does not swear or use foul languge. I know that for a fact my daughter makes up for what he does not do, I'm not the type of mother that is gonna sit here and make excuses for my children. like my son said if I had did something I'd be the first to admit it. I guess the police wanted to make there quota for the day. or is that the way they treat visitor's?? yes he was rooting for his team is that a crime?? I heard of this happening alot in miami fl but I did not believe it, now I do.. my son said there was a girl arrested for standing up while she was watching the game and they arrested her I guess they told her to sit down and she stood up to root for the bear's and they arrested her. that's unheard of in chicago. and yes I said the Bear's won 16-0. which I'm sure upset them low life police. I told my son be careful how u cross the street or sit' down while your in florida the police might not like that. I have a friend that lives miami fl and she told how the police are. I know some of you people can make remark's like my son provoked this. because the story is unbelieveable but true. my son still can't believe it himself. and yes something is gonna be done about this too many wittnesses and video. so for all u people that are making negative remark's it's o.k. because it does sound unbeliveable but true.
ATTENTION box turtle owners?
Does anyone have any experiance with the tetra fauna vitashell cream? Got some for my turtle but im a little scared it'll come off in her water and hurt her so I havn't used it yet
At the beginning of the 20-20 world cup we all had teams which we thought were minnows,but now since the world?
Haha, Lions Roar, your so funny. Australia was in a group with two other favourites in the competition, and only two of those three strong teams were going to go through. Sadly for us but im guessing not for you, Australia was knocked out. However, i dont think us losing really got any coverage in the press because no one really cared about this tournament. We were more worried about playing and winning actual cricket games in a tournament that is 100 years old. Speaking of which, why wasn't England part of your so called "minnow" nations. They got beaten by Holland, while Australia got beaten by the Windies (who were easily good enough to win the tournament) and Sri lanka (who ended up playing in the final). Take your blinkers off mate.
Doggies and Bunnies Are Cute Don't You Agree?
Ok I have a school talent show tommorrow and I don't know what to sing! I am a Kelly Clarkson vocal range but don't want to sing one of her songs. What should I sing. Any Ideas?
Friends dating. Will a pure platonic friend make comments that we're dating?
A purely platonic friend definitely would not comment that you're dating. After all, if he sees them as more than hangouts, and agrees to go on what he considers dates, he sees you as more than a friend.
Why would God send an otherwise decent human being to Hell just because they're highly skeptical?
Any god that would give humans a brain, then punish them for using that brain is a sadistic that's not worth worshiping.
Literacy homework help?
For my english homework i have to write a description of a cyclops - either make him good or bad. Can anyone find a description of a cyclops using lots of similes? Or think of any similes to use with the cyclops?
Working out relative abundance of isotopes?
Chlorine has two isotopes, 35Cl and 37Cl which have mes of 34.96885 u and 36.96590 u respectively. The average atomic m of chlorine is 35.453 u. what are the relative abundances of the two isotopes?
Why are swear words, swear words?
curse words dont mean anything. my theory is that the government picked out words and said, "oooh lets make this one obscene!", and that's how curse words came about.
Pumas. I want Pumas.?
Alright. I hate all sneakers except Ed Hardy and Converse and Puma. I know where to get converse and Ed hardy. But, I want particular Pumas, the "Light Flight S Jr." I want to know what all the colors for them are and where I can get them. :]
How Can I Increase Fuel Efficiency On My 2007 Ford Taurus .....?
You have not mentioned which engine you have here. Here are the best things to do. Since this car has relatively low mileage, you probably do NOT have a whole lot of sludge present. Use SEAFOAM, anyways, and switch to Mobil One 0W-30 oil, This will reduce engine deposits, reduce friction, clean the lifters as you drive it, and get you the best power and MPG's. Remove and clean your Idle Air Control Valve (aic) using gum-out and Amsoil Foaming Cleaner, if you can find it. Clean the throttle body and plate on BOTH sides. Flush the two chemicals I mentioned above through your PCV valve and hose.This will remove any carbon on your piston rings, and valve heads and stems, You are doing the right thing by using Chevron, as it is one of the highest rated, top tier fuels around. Use ONLY genuine Ford coolant in this car. Remove the spark plugs, and use either Bosch Fusion or Denso Iridium plugs. These are a little bit more efficient thant the factory plugs, and will wring just a bit more power and fuel mileage from your car. Another pointer is to get the best, fuel efficient tires you can. Michelin Green "X" tires are one of the best. It has to do with rolling resistance, a quality not usually measured or listed on the side of the tire with other info like treadwear, traction, and temperature ratings. Use the "Tire Rack" as a guide for this. Believe it or not, keeping the car clean and waxed will also reduce drag and improve fuel economy. Keep your engine bay as clean as possible ALWAYS. Showroom clean is the best.
What do you think of this little story I wrote?
It sounds good, but what, exactly, is it about? I mean, the whole plot. I need to hear a brief summary before making a final judgment. I always read the first chapter in a book, then the brief summary, before deciding if its any good.
Does anyone else have this problem using Proactiv?
your best bet is to see a Dermatologist. And if u need your mom to take you, just be honest with her. it sounds like she cares about you, and went to the expensive trouble to buy you Proactive. Maybe you should just use OXY Clean or another face wash.
Does anybody know of some good printable coupon sites?
i am a mother of 5 and have been trying to do the whole coupon thing but im not getting very good results.. please HELP!! lol
Why is there so much rhetoric on yahoo answers politics...?
For those of you who haven't read the other 20 posts from this user that are exact duplicates of this one, please stay tuned. You'll see it again next week.
How is my poem????????
That is a really amazing poem! My goodness, I wish I could write like that! It's really deep and full of emotion!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Can anyone suggest a good logo/ borchure designer?
I am starting up a mobile beauty business, and need to design a logo and price brochure, can anyone suggest a company, where i can do the design myself? thanks
In the movie "Perfect Stranger" with Halle Berry & Bruise Willis.During their first date there was a song
playing in the back ground can someone please tell me who the female singing the song is and the name of the song.
How much do Americans pay, as a percent of their earnings, in taxes?
Could someone please provide a reputable source for such a statistic? I am looking for a percentage paid in ALL taxes, including taxes your employer pays on what they pay you, federal state and local income taxes, social security, gas tax, sales tax, property tax, sin tax, etc etc etc.
Less national pride, more human pride?
I think we tend to form "teams" regardless. But, in the same way that a football team in one American city has players from all over America, a developed country has citizens who immigrated from all over the world contributing to that country's accomplishments. For example, Einstein was responsible for many American discoveries.
Have you ever gotten oral surgery? tell me everything?
Everything will be fine it feels wierd as heck when they numb you and after the work is done and your still numb but it wears off fairly quick. You'll be fine there is noithing to worry about.
Help please! My dissertation statistical test has resulted in not significant?
All differences are significant, just at different levels. Talk to a statistician about why you got the results you did and what you can do about it.
Does anyone know this movie quote from Armaggedon?
There is this one scene near the end of the movie one the spaceship/shuttle where there is this guy riding on a nuke/missile rocket. I need to know what he says during his little "rocket rodeo". Thanks in advance. :D
Clical music you can headbang to?
They may not be 100% clical, but they still have the feel...look up "explosive" by bond (and any and all of their stuff...its fantastic) and "brandenburg" by black violin...great stuff right to dance to :)
Help! Need help with my story?
how about a old house that it run down and when she does inside she find all sorts of clues leading to a wild past of her grandfather.
Who will be the nightmare player of Pakistan to SL?
I dont know whether Imran Nazir is there in the team to tour SriLanka..If he is there , he along with Afridi would be nightmares for SriLankans.
I feel lonely and I like to lie in bed under my quilt cuddling my pillow as if it is someone?
Wow I'm sorry... I know how you feel I lost my mom not to long ago... but it sounds like depression?. And to help with the lonliness maybe get a pet like a cat or something the nice ones are good for cuddling and it would help you feel wanted. Or Start putting yourself out there look for some one you can be romantic with, I was clinically depressed for a while and and my boyfriend helped me through it waaaay more than meds..
Crying feels so liberating?
I've recently gone through some "bad days" and just when it seems like it cant get worse, it always does. I couldn't help myself today when I got home from work. I just bawled my eyes out, and crying felt so liberating in a way. I still feel the pain but crying helps ease it in some way. Any experiences? What do you do when you're at a really tough time in your life and nothing is going right.
I'm Going To TNA House Show.. Today!!!
Happy late birthday! Mine is today. I haven't been to one so i don't know how they are but i'm sure it will have pyros if it's impact.
Please help with this chemistry question?
A solution of hydrochloric acid at 0.100 M was carefully prepared. If 43.6 mL of this solution were required to neutralize 25.0 mL of a barium hydroxide solution, what is the molarity of the base?
When was Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" originally released?
I've looked all over the internet and can't seem to find the original release date. I need it in order to cite my sources in a speech. Please help!!!
What is president's day?
I thought it was when Obama takes his magical sleigh ride pulled by Pelosi Reid and a few other dummies to deliver Obama stash
Ugg im crazy for him theres not a day i dont think of him help.?
so me and this guy really like eachother but we live like and hour away and i cant stop thinking about him i just wanna see him soooooooo bad., my parents dont understand my feelings for him im not allowed to hang with guys till im 18 but im 15 idk what to do:(
Can some one please find me a good poem for middle school level?
Poems should have auditory and visual images. It should have literately techniques. It should have a message in it. It should be longer than three stanza, but not very long. It is better if it is sonnet. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need it for my school project. Thank you!
When political parties sense an imminent defeat, do they nominate "war heroes"?
Clearly if you think McCain is facing imminent defeat, you aren't actually paying attention. Obama is far below where he should be by all accounts. And every time McCain comes out with an ad, Obama loses ground. Meaning, Obama is not tough enough to handle the Republican onslaught. The Republicans defeat should have been imminent but the Democratic party threw away their victory as they do over and over and over again.
Help pls!..with leggings and boots!!.....?
Yes I would definately wear full length leggings with ankle boots. If you are wearing boots that cover the ends of the leggings (like knee length boots or thigh high/ over knee boots) then you can wear 3/4 length leggings, but I don't think there should ever be a gap between ends of leggings and tops of boots.. it just doesn't look right. Yes UGG boots look great with leggings. I recently bought some grey knit UGGs and wear then with black leggings or cream/beige leggings or thick (cotton or knit) tights. The cream coloured knitted UGG boots look great with grey leggings or black ones. I wish they would make bright red knitted UGGs. x
If used in proper context, should McCain continue to use racial slurs?
I agree that politicians should lead by example,but some of the comments here are unfair. Let's pretend you have been locked up in a cage, tortured, beaten, starved, and almost died. I can see how that might cause a little animosity toward your captures. Sure you can say you wouldn't support cause you didn't live it.
If Palin can't handle Couric?
Its not about Couric... Palin hasn't done very well thinking on her feet. No one has a perfect answer for EVERY question, but she should be able to give an intelligent response.
How do I make character flaws?
I write out the character's main story goal, then give them flaws that hinder their pursuit of that goal. For example if the main character requires tact and diplomacy to achieve their goal I make them have a bad temper that leaks out at inopportune times.
Day/Night out in Liverpool?
Hi, i'm organising a hen do in Liverpool and are coming down from Doncaster for the weekend in July. i have never been out in Liverpool before but have been told its fab - has anyone got any suggestions for good bars for day and night drinking as i haven't a clue - once i know where to go i then need to look for accomodation nearby...... cheers
My labradors hair is falling out?
He is probably just shedding his 'winter' coat. Even though it is hot through out the year, he will still get a heavier coat in the winter months. If you are really concerned about him, take him to the vet.
Are the Americans more intelligent than the Brit's, or just more privileged?
they have more money as a nation to buy further and better education, but on a level playing field, would they be as good as the brits?
What celebrity does my friend look like?
WOOOWWW you are sooo conceited!! U would say that ur prettier than ur friend? U must be an ugly, fat insecure girl thats hiding behind her computer. how old are you, like 9?
I am a feminist struggling with my views on , your opions may help?
I would say (unless it was stuff or the guy is clearly treating the girl like ****) ographic videos are often pretty equal-opportunity exploitation. Try to find the most natural stuff you can (I know it's needle in a haystack sometimes) but I feel a lot better about purchasing when the male and the female in the shoot are clearly on the same page and no one is acting abusive or superior to anyone else.
Question for Americans about their healthcare arrangements?
Although there are places that pay for blood most blood is donated to help other people. I do resent the huge profits made by drug companies here.
Will Beatles Rock Band have any other characters in it?
NO. Who else could play Beatles songs. Sure many people contributed greatly to the Beatles. But The Beatles are the Beatles. No one can take over them. I dont think there will be an alternative or a substitute. I dont think there will be other characters. I only think the Beatles will have different costumes to wear.
How do you break up with someone who you dont want to break up with but dont have the same goals?
i have been with this guy for about 2 months and i really like him and everything but we do not have the same goal. he wants a short term realtionship and i want a long term relationship. he said we wouldnt break up for a while but that one day he knows we will break up. to save myself from heartache i think i should leave now. what do you all think
How is Indianapolis overall? Thank You.?
My fiance and I live in NYC. She got a great job offer in Indy and we are attracted to IN due to how cheap everything is, especially houses. I'm white, she is Asian, and she is scared of the Midwest due to racism. According to the internet, people are racist and the KKK still lives just outside if Indy. Is this true? Are people racist. I don't want to go there if her safety is in question, aw well as our future children. Plus, is there anything to do? And religion. We are not religious but I hear people from Midwest are extremely Christian. Will it cause troubles? An is there anything cultural there? Thanks. No offense by the way, we're just scared of the people there.
Inefficiency on state-run Soviet farms was widespread because...?
C: Farmers had little incentive. As one Soviet joke put it, "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us!"
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Is Nietzsche the devil? Did he inspire fascism, genocide, Communism, and consumerism?
Communism - definitely not. Marx's writings are derived from those of Kant ("Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan purpose") with its umptions of a privileged discourse and a scientific model based upon reason. Nietzsche's version of perspectivism was picked up by the post-modernists in the 1980s when they wanted to undermine Marx, Kant, and Plato.
HELP..My Cat's bowel stinks the house up badly??
what should I do about my cat using his litter..we have tried ever litter brand on the market even doesn't work..His bowel is so foul it makes my and mother's stomach churn not turn churn...He's 6 months you know what I can give him for his system..I mean I know when cats go they go..but this kitten that I got..Saddam won't need a nuclear missle..I would gladly give my kitten and just lite up a lighter
How do I clean my new cooking pots made of stainless steel from IKEA?
Really burnt on gunk in the bottom like milk or blackened food can easily be cleaned out of stainless steel pots and pans by sprinkling baking soda in the bottom, covering with vinegar, let simmer with a little water for 5 min. let cool, scrub out with a vinyl scrubby, takes no effort at all. Works fabulously. You can also use aluminum foil. Simply scrub the bottom of the pan after using the above vinegar/BS method. It works with no odors or hours of waiting. And you won't be afraid to cook food in them because of the POISON (oven cleaner) you put on them.
Guys maging female friend?
question for the guys - would you mage your female friend's shoulders if you thought of her merely in a platonic way? or would you only do it because you like her..?
Should Reggie Jackson manage the Yankees?
I have no idea where Reggie Jackson came from lol, but uh i wouldn't say he would be a lead candidate even if he was going for the job. Loosing Torre hurt us. Girardi I think is under pressure to do the injuries and lack of Performance, the Yanks have a inexperienced bull pen in Phil Coke, Mark Melancon and Ableadejo, but the production from the offense isn't there either. It will come but I wouldn't rush in to Girardi getting fired. And with the Jackson thing, I think you could see a better candidate who has had coaching experience.
How do i get a narnia wardrobe teleporter in vmk?
how do i get the narnia wardrobe teleporter for vmk and if it has to do with a game tel me how in the game
Do you think I could get in to any of these schools? (NAU, CSU, WSU)?
I'm a sopre in high school at I have a 3.33 GPA right now. I've been taking some honors courses and plan to take a couple AP courses. I don't have all that many extracurricular activities except like 4 years of volleyball, a couple of clubs and like a decent amount of community service. I just got back my PSAT and I got a 1680 so I think I can get that up to the 1800's or maybe 1900's. If I keep on this track could I get into Northern Arizona University, Colorado State University, and/or Washington State University? (Also, I plan on applying for the WUE scholarship because I live in california and cant afford out of state colleges without it.)
Letting Flu/Cold run it's course?
I think it's the flu I have; Cold / hot, sweated loads whilst asleep last night - woke up and my sheet was soaked!, coughing up mucus, sometimes I feel faint. Felt awful at work today but home now with a gl of OJ and Call of Duty. I was asked to go to the pub tonight but I don't think I should? Shall I just resist taking paracetamol etc and let it run it's course over the weekend...?
What do you think about my situation?? Read on, i need advice....?
Well, i've been "talking" to this guy since Oct. of last yr & he's overseas rite now. We got to the point where after i graduated we would even get married & i believed & still believe up to this pt. that'll i'll be w/him the rest of my life. No matter how crazy that might sound at my age(fixin to turn 17) & well last month we got in2 this argument that he didn't want to talk to me anymore 4 1 reason or another & well about a couple of days later called me & said sorry 4 the way he acted. He said we just need to give this some time & well we did. Recently he called me out of no where 2 say hi.We recently started talking again, but as just friends for now. Earlier he texted me saying he was so tired of being over there & was feeling really lonely. I felt so bad, because i really want 2 B w/him, but he still has doubts b/c of my age and his(22)This is the thing that troubles his mind the most, I want 2 give him good feedback 2 not think about it anymore.My ques. is what can i tell him?
Forgery question help?
In Aug 08 I took out an education loan for 10k with a close relative as a cosigner. They applied themselves over the phone but had me sign it so I could pay them back more quickly (they had paid my tuition on their credit card) and eat (I had $12 at the time). In Jan 10 he went to the police station claiming i had gotten the loan for more than he agreed to, but once I proved that you can't change the loan amount after an application started the trooper told him take it to civilian court. The report said he wished no further action from the trooper. On 1 Aug 10 I sent the alleged victim a letter asking him for no further contact- and surprise- that day he filed a new police report, this time claiming he never agreed to cosign and had no knowledge until recently while applying for a loan i had used him as a cosigner and forged his name. He was under the impression there was no record of the first complaint. Obviously he changed his story- on record- and has malicious intent. I was arrested this time and the arresting officer had no knowledge of first complaint. Any prediction for the prelims?
Is my friend a slut? I'm so worried about her, she's 13.?
Is she having ? If she is is it with multiple guys? If not she's not a slut. She drinks and does weed? That's nice tons of people do it to try itt. Maybe your just a stick in the mud? Where do you live?!? ers? Really? Go back to playing win barbies. Your friend sounds cool
Namesakes, and yours compared to my favourites?
4. NOT RECCOMENDING THIS, but i heard of this practice in india (its ILLEGAL!) where families wanted baby boys, so after an ultrasound if it was a girl they would abort it. thats why havin an abortion after ultrasound (in india, im not sure of other countires) is illegal. i dont know who could be as so heartless to do this. but im just informing you.
What to cook while camping?
My husband and I are going camping in a couple of weeks with a group of about 10. Everyone knows that I am a good cook (in my own kitchen). So I have been designated to cook one of the group dinners..(yay me!) The thing is...I haven't been camping since I was little. I have no idea what to cook. I know we will have a camp fire with a tripod but there is also plug ins so I could bring a crock-pot if needed. I need some suggestions for dinner. I don't want the average hot dog, brat, burger response either please :)
Good place in Leeds to let a 'learner' drive?
Temple Newsam car park, there's one that is always empty, when approaching Temple Newsam off Selby Road by the Lidl and parade of shops. Have her learn the basics there, then there's a road and a roundabout which goes around the house where she can get a bit of practice actually driving in a lane. Then avoid the city centre and ring road, sticking to small estates and car parks.
What CAN i do to encourage my budgies to mate/breed?
As I have said before you need a much bigger cage and a real nestbox not cardboard and really really healthy budgies. You have had good advice from me before but you do not listen. Do not rely on petshop advice about cage size...they get it so wrong all the time. Wooden nestboxes in Australia cost around $7.
Good everyday makeup for 13 year old?
if you don't use too much of each product i think you should be fine. I have skin exactly like yours and i hate my freckles too, but i only use bare minerals powder foundation and it covers themup pretty well. you might want a little more coverage though. Also, i wouldnt worry about how long it takes, all over face product doesnt really take that long to apply.
How can i get juveline record in lexington ky ?
well this is the deal. im now 27 years old i was arrested when i was 17 years old . i need those records and i now live in florida ive called several times to the police dep and juvenile courts. they told me that the records have been destroyed theres nothing under my name but i need those records. for immigration purposes and they wont take no for an answer what should i do ???? y already have a the criminal background and police record check came back clear from them but they need a letter from them saying those records have been destroyed this is driving me crazzyyyy!!!!! any help would be appreciated
How to wear black knee high boots?
I needed some more ideas on how to wear my boots. They're suede and come up to just below the knee. I've worn them over pants but I need some more ideas on what else to where them with.
Hello ppl ok im making chocolate banana brownies?
HIYA! yes it is tru that i am makin banana chocolate brownies this is my first time tryin it so i really wanna make it taste like food for the gods. now im wondering if you guys could give me something to add to it like nuts or something even fruits ideas pplz!! i need ideas!
How far in advance can I prepare chocolate for a chocolate fountain?
I'm having a chocolate fountain for my grad and was wondering how far in advance can I make the chocolate. Because there is a banquet that starts at 4:30 and then we go to the ceremony, so we won't be home til nine. So i was hoping to prepare the chocolate in the afternoon.
This girl readded me but why?
Im a guy and i sat beside a girl in cl and i added her to facebook and then we had a facebook convo and at the end of the convo i said she was not worthy to be on my list and deleted her. Then after i deleted her i sent her msgs like yoo $lut, go make me a sandwich kthxx :) and hi ugly :) and i said i was sorry for being mean and she said to stop sending her messages or she was gona report me. Then i called her babe and told her to add me again and she replied babe? Dont think so. Then i wished her a great day and said i needed 1 more friend and i would pay her $5. So i sent her a request and she accepts it. Why though. She hasnt asked for money. She used to make fun of me in cl and tease me and act like i was stupid. She has a boyfriend.
It seems marriage is a bad thing these days. What gives?
I know of about 3 couples that are on the brink of break-ups or divorce. It seems that people this day and age are just fed up that they can't continue or commit that they rather stay single.
They got CNN's Rick Sanchez fired for just calling Stewart bigot and all at CNN jewish. Your comments?
He probably said some other stuff we'll never know about. Mexicans will say anything to not get deported.
How many lines of symmetry does a circle have with a square inscribed inside of it?
This was an ACT question, and I'm worried I got it wrong. the options i think were 2 4 6 8 and infinitely many. I said infinetly many, but the more i think about it, the more i think its just 4.
If we let gays into the Military, will we have to lower height and raise weight requirements also?
ual orientation is different then height or weight and there is really no comparison. There is really no legality on any of these issues. How the person performs the job is more important than looks or ual orientation. Height and weight requirements will not change, only the policy on gays in the military might change.
I want to take superpump 250 Workout/dietary supplement? please answer?
I am 14, 162 and 20% body fat, i have a couple questions, first am i too young, my friends reccomend it and another of mine wants to take it, second will it burn my fat when i work out, and if i do cardio will i be able to run longer because i heard its big energy boost, also i want to know is it unhealthy, because it has 2333% daily value of viatamin b-12 and 1250% vitamin b-6. And also will it help me gain alot of muscle i want to lose 30 pounds of fat and gain more muscle. so please answer, and if u have taken this or anybody you know, please answer asap and that'd be great, oh one more thing, should i take it while im trying to lose the weight, or after ive lost it?
I have a 1990 nissan pick up D21 4 cylinder, it would turn over but not start, whats wrong?
I ruled out fuel problems and used a spark tester, found a very weak spark and checked the distributor cap and rotary head(they were corroded) so i changed them. now the spark tester wil flash once or twice then stop(it wont flash again until you shut the battery of and start it up again) any ideas?
So my work place CCTV has been broke for 5 days is this legal?
They have a couple of cameras still working which are monitoring the upstairs corridor and office, yet only one monitoring the end of the till which is positioned so can only see me and my colleagues serving, cannot see any customers or any details such as money and what we are handing over as its that far away. Its been broken for 5 days now and i dont feel safe is this legal? I thought my manager should of got it fixed by now!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Which Fantasy Baseball team do you think is better?
I would have to pick team A. They have a great lineup with many aces. I think Team B has a great bench though. I am playing fantasy baseball myself and have an awesome team. I have beat every team I have played because of Raul Ibanez and Freddy Sanchez. You should try and get him into the lineup.
Why are fundamentalist Christians so angry?
This is a generalization, and I freely admit it. But I DO notice that the angriest and most defensive posts here seem to come from evangelicals. Why is that?
What in the world is wrong with my Hp pavilion?
Last thursday it all of a sudden turned off,now it wont turn on unless i disconnect the 4pin atx 12v 1 connection,.what could it be? Could it be the cpu or the hard drive? I Would like to find out as soon as possible.
What is this element?
for you smart people out there, Ive got a brain teaser. This is an element that is rare, has a whitish color and has something to do with the dinosaurs getting extinct. Gold is about 4 0r 5 times more common than this element is. It is found in the earth's crust, but is believed to have much more in asteroids. It is not a noble gas. I am pretty sure that the element is iridium, but not quite certain... any guesses???
I am 20 years old and i am still leaving with my parents. ?
i don't have a room, I go to a private college and it costs a lot of money. My parents don't want me to move out until am ready to get married other wise they would start talking felling unlucky with kids. The bad part is i don't have a room and my bed ,my working table and chair is seating in the living room which cause me to have no privacy. I don't know what to do any more.
Is this a skin rash or what?
I have an older friend who has went through menopause but still wears a maxi pad all the time due to bladder leakage. She started to develop a skin rash that is red and itchy soon after she started wearing the pads. It has started to spread to different areas of her body. Her primary doctor and a dermatologist has told her that it is only that she is allergic to fleas. She is very concerned about this and doesn't know what to do. Any help is appreciated.
How long should it take to receive a court date for a traffick ticket in Vermont?
I got a ticket in vermont almost a month ago and i plead not guilty. it has been almost a month and i still have not received my court date. i am thinking about calling the judicial bureau to see if the ticket has been processed. should i call or does it normally take this long?
I'm gonna get hell for this one but anybody else think the bible is tainted?
Does anybody else think the bible is tainted? i personally de believe in god, yes a single all knowing all powerful god. but sometimes when i read the bible or hear preachers teaching, i think that the bible is sometimes out of bounds. For example it can be very contradictory and i don't think god is bipolar, seriously if you read that thing you'll realize this. tells you to do this and then not to do the same thing. also i do not believe in hell because god is love and someone who loves you would never send you to hell, i think it is wrong for people to be scared into a religion and i don't think god likes that either. this is one of the reasons that make me belive it is tainted, it sounds like something made up to keep people under control. one thing i find really funny is how people force religion on you, i read the bible and jesus never told anyone to accept him as god or to change them or anything he accepted people for who they were and loved them just the way they were.
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